International Harmonization of Rat Nomenclature

Digestive System

Recommendation sources
focus of cellular alteration [amphophilic; basophilic, diffusely; basophilic, tigroid; basophilic/eosinophilic mixed; basophilic, NOS; clear cell; eosinophilic] (H) focus of cellular alteration [amphophilic; basophilic, diffusely; basophilic, tigroid; basophilic/eosinophilic mixed; clear cell; eosinophilic] (H) focus of cellular alteration [amphophilic; basophilic, diffusely; basophilic, tigroid; basophilic/eosinophilic mixed; clear cell; eosinophilic] (H) foci of cellular alteration
hyperplasia, hepatocellular, regenerative (H) hyperplasia, hepatocellular, regenerative (H) hyperplasia, hepatocellular, regenerative (H) regenerative hyperplasia
cholangiofibrosis (H) cholangiofibrosis (H) cholangiofibrosis (H) cholangiofibrosis
cholangiofibroma (B)      
hyperplasia, oval cell (H) oval cell proliferation (H) hyperplasia, oval cell (H) oval cell hyperplasia
adenoma, hepatocellular (B) adenoma, hepatocellular (B) adenoma, hepatocellular (B) hepatocellular adenoma
carcinoma, hepatocellular [acinar; solid; trabecular] (M) carcinoma, hepatocellular [acinar; solid; trabecular] (M) carcinoma, hepatocellular [acinar; solid; trabecular] (M) hepatocellular carcinoma
hyperplasia, bile duct [cystic] (H) hyperplasia, bile duct [cystic] (H) hyperplasia, bile duct [cystic] (H) bile duct hyperplasia
cholangioma (B) cholangioma [cystic; simple] (B) cholangioma (B) cholangioma
cholangiocarcinoma (M) cholangiocarcinoma (M) cholangiocarcinoma (M) cholangiocarcinoma
adenoma, hepatocholangiocellular (B)   adenoma, hepatocholangiocellular (B) hepatocholangiocellular adenoma
carcinoma, hepatocholangiocellular (M)   carcinoma, hepatocholangiocellular (M) hepatocholangiocellular carcinoma
    cystic degeneration  
    ectopic pancreas  

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Last Update: 21-Jun-2000