General Information
TRANSLATIONAL PATHOLOGY: Relevance of Toxicologic Pathology to Human Health
Scientific Co-Chairs: Sabine Francke, DVM, PhD, FIATP, US FDA/CFSAN; Mark Hoenerhoff, DVM, PhD, DACVP, NIEHS; and Lee Silverman, DVM, PhD, DACVP, Agios Pharmaceuticals
Toxicologic pathologists work in diverse settings studying changes elicited by pharmacological, chemical, and environmental agents, and factors that modify these responses. This work involves the integration of pathology data into hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk communication frameworks that guide safety decisions for potentially toxic substances. A central part of this process is the translation of pathologic effects in animal models to address specific issues in public health.
This symposium will focus on translational science and the relevance of toxicologic pathology to human health. Topics will include the predictive value of nonclinical models and how animal model and human endpoints inform each other. Progress in the development of new nonclinical animal models and other types of models will be discussed, highlighting areas where models are highly predictive of human endpoints and areas where alternative models are needed. Emerging technologies which have the potential to improve translational capabilities will also be presented, with an emphasis on advancements that will impact regulatory decision making in coming years. As the field of epigenetics is rapidly advancing, the role and utility of epigenetic endpoints in toxicologic pathology and their relevance to human health will be addressed. Environmental toxicologic pathology plays a critical role in understanding health impacts of environmental exposures; therefore, how pathology outcomes inform human health assessments and regulatory decisions will be discussed. Finally, as the incidence of comorbidities in the human population increases, there is a greater need to develop translational models that provide useful information on human populations with comorbidities; the challenges of developing such relevant animal models will be addressed. By the end of this symposium, the audience will have a better understanding of current trends and data needs in translational pathology and how the field of toxicologic pathology can leverage expertise and tools to meet these needs.
US Government Employee Tuesday-Only Sessions Registration
The scientific sessions on Tuesday, June 24, have been designed in response to requests from the Federal regulatory community. Interested US Government employees may register to attend Tuesday morning and afternoon sessions listed below at no charge (Full meeting attendees also may attend at no charge). Registration (indicating one or both sessions) is required by June 1.
- Tuesday AM Scientific Session: Emerging Technologies
- Tuesday PM Scientific Session: The Role of the Toxicologic Pathologist in Informing Regulatory Decisions and Guiding the Interpretation and Application of Data from New Technologies and Tools
Annual Symposium Overview
Preliminary Program
Online Registration
Saturday, June 21
Pre-Meeting NTP Symposium: Pathology Potpourri—Free Event, Registration Required |
Sunday, June 22
CE Courses (half-day, fee to attend)
- Biomarkers of Endocrine Effects and Reproductive Toxicity
- Scientific and Regulatory Considerations In the Safety Evaluation of Stem-Cell Derived Therapies in Preclinical Studies
- Fundamentals of Translational Neuroscience in Toxicologic Pathology: Optimizing the Value of Animal Data for Human Risk Assessment
- The Art of Study Monitoring and Pathology Peer Review: How to Maintain a Relationship of Mutual Respect with CRO’s
Career Development Workshop: Effective Communication of Pathology Results in Regulatory Studies (AM half day)—Free Event, Registration Required
Welcome Reception/Exhibits Opening
Monday, June 23
Exhibits and Poster Sessions Open
Symposium Welcome
Session 1 (AM): Toxicity Concordance from Animals to Humans: How Predictive Are Traditional Preclinical Studies of Adverse Effects or Toxicities in Clinical Studies?
Career Development Lunchtime Series: Draft OECD Guidance on the GLP Requirements for Peer Review of Histopathology: A Panel Discussion (Free Event, Registration Required)
Session 2 (PM): Progress in Preclinical Testing for Translational Science
Town Hall Meeting |
Tuesday, June 24
Exhibits and Poster Sessions Open
Session 3 (AM): Emerging Technologies
Exhibitor-Sponsored Lunch for Symposium Registrants (Full Meeting and Tuesday-Only Attendees)
Session 4 (PM): The Role of the Toxicologic Pathologist in Informing Regulatory Decisions and Guiding the Interpretation and Application of Data from New Technologies and Tools
Student Outing
Wednesday, June 25
Exhibits and Poster Sessions Open
Excel Tips and Tricks: Easy Ways to Quickly Visualize Your Pathology Data
(12:00 Noon–1:30 PM) (Free Event, advance registration required)
Sponsored by IATP and STP
Session Details
Session 5 (AM): Epigenetic Endpoints in Toxicologic Pathology and Relevance to Human Health
Session 6 (PM): Environmental Toxicologic Pathology and Prediction of Human Health Risks
Awards Ceremony
Annual Business Meeting
President’s Reception |
Thursday, June 26
Session 7 (AM): The Challenges of Safety Evaluation in Populations with Concurrent Disease |
Meeting Materials
Meeting publications, including final Program, handouts, attendee list, committee, interest group, and ancillary meetings schedules and evaluation forms will be posted on the Meeting Materials page when available. All STP Members and also nonmember registrants will be notified when materials are posted.
STP members will use their regular logins to access this page. Nonmember attendees will receive logins and passwords to access this page.
Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
STP wants to ensure that no individual with a disability is excluded, denied services, segregated or otherwise treated differently than other individuals because of the absence of auxiliary aids and services. If you need any auxiliary aids or services identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act, or any assistance in registering for this meeting, please contact STP Headquarters, 703-438-7508, ext. 1443.
Annual Symposium Policies
Child Attendance Policy
Photography, Videotaping, Recording Policies
Photography of poster presentations is prohibited without the specific consent of the presenter(s)/author(s). Photography of exhibitor booths and/or equipment is prohibited without the specific consent of the exhibitor. Photography, Videotaping, or Recording of Scientific Sessions or CE Courses is not permitted.
STP wishes to thank its Corporate Sponsors for their generous support of the Society and its activities, which include all events and scientific sessions at the Annual Meeting. Their donations make it possible for STP to continue to offer high quality science at an affordable fee.
2014 Sponsors
Sponsorship Opportunities