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STP Student Externship Scholarships

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Externship Opportunities

STP Externship Scholarships—The STP is offering scholarships for trainees (residents, professional students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows) interested in externships in toxicologic pathology. Scholarships of $1,000 are to cover travel and lodging expenses for trainees wishing to gain experience in toxicologic pathology. Externship application materials are available online through the STP ( or the ACVP student externship page, with applications considered in the fall (October 1 deadline) and spring (March 1 deadline).

Priority will be given to applicants that have arranged externships that broaden the student’s pathology experience in industrial and toxicologic pathology. Applicants are encouraged to consider externships in various toxicologic pathology environments including academic, government, industrial, pharmaceutical, research, and regulatory opportunities. The ACVP Externship Center and STP student page contain lists of externship opportunities, but keep in mind these are not all-inclusive and quality externships are available outside of those on the lists.

Other factors that are considered in selecting award recipients are listed and briefly described below. They are not listed in any particular order of importance but are included to assist the applicant in preparing the application form and letter.

  • This award is open to trainees (residents, professional students, graduate students, or postdoctoral fellows) with a demonstrable interest in comparative pathology in general and toxicologic pathology specifically. 
  • Individuals should have completed one general pathology course and/or general toxicology course.
  • Preference will be given to applicants currently attending North American schools and planning to extern at North American institutions or companies. 
  • Preference is given to applicants planning to extern at institutions that have an established externship program and/or a pathology training program, though this does not exclude other non-traditional externship opportunities.
  • Previous recipients of the externship award are encouraged to apply.
  • Recipients commit to writing a post-externship report for the STP, for potential publication on social media, and/or on the STP website.

Application form


Externship Opportunity


AbbVie Externship in Toxicologic Pathology North Chicago, IL
Charles River Toxicologic Pathology Externship Ashland, OH; Spencerville, OH; Reno, Nevada; Shrewsbury, MA; Mattawan, MI;  Durham, NC; Montreal, Canada
Inotiv Toxicologic Pathology Externship Kalamazoo, MI; Boulder, CO; Fort Collins, CO; Research Triangle Park, NC
IVAC Toxciologic Pathology Externship Program Ann Arbor, MI
Merck Toxicologic Pathology Externship Program West Point, PA
MUSC Toxicologic Pathology Externship Program Charleston, SC
Regeneron Toxicologic Pathology Externship Program Tarrytown, NY


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  •  11190 Sunrise Valley Drive,
    Suite 300, Reston, VA 20191