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  •   703-438-7508

STP Student Awards

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The Daniel Morton and Laura Dill Morton Scholarship Award Procedures

Application Deadline: November 1

The Daniel Morton and Laura Dill Morton Scholarship was established in 2016 to provide an award annually to an outstanding student/trainee with an interest in toxicologic pathology. Students with a DVM or equivalent degree enrolled in a full-time graduate or residency program who demonstrate commitment to toxicologic pathology and high potential for a successful career in this field are encouraged to apply. Applicants must submit a personal statement describing current research activities, interests and activities related to toxicologic pathology, and professional goals, two professional letters of recommendation with one letter from their academic advisor, and Curriculum Vitae.

Applicants will be judged based on level of demonstrated interest in the field of toxicologic pathology, letters of recommendation and CV. In addition to an engraved plaque, the awardee will receive a $5,000.00 monetary award for such purposes as they deem appropriate. While attendance at the next STP Annual Symposium the year of receipt is not a requirement, should the awardee be in attendance, they will be recognized during the Awards & Recognition Ceremony at the STP Annual Symposium. Award acknowledgement will be included on the STP website and in the annual symposium issue of Toxicologic Pathology.

Daniel Morton and Laura Dill Morton Scholarship Application

Student Travel Grant Procedures

Abstract and Application Deadline: March 30

Student Travel Grants are available to undergraduate and graduate students for participation in the STP Annual Symposium. Each of the students who are chosen will receive a stipend (approximately $1,000—varies yearly) to defray travel and lodging costs associated with attending the convention, complimentary meeting registration, and complimentary STP student membership for the following year. Recipients will be recognized at the Award and Recognition Ceremony at the Annual Symposium.

Student Travel Grant Application
Student Travel Grant Judging Criteria

Young Investigator Award Procedures

Abstract and Application Deadline: March 30

Young Investigator Awards (1st, $750; 2nd $500; 3rd, $250) will also be presented at the STP Annual Symposium for the top three student poster abstracts. When you submit an abstract online, please check the appropriate box to indicate your interest in applying for the Young Investigator Award. Applicants will receive instructions about the selection process and poster judging times via email.

Young Investigator Award Judging Criteria
Poster Guidelines

STP Environmental Toxicologic Pathology SIG (ETP-SIG) Student Research Award Procedures

Application Deadline: March 30

The Environmental Toxicologic Pathology Special Interest Group (ETP-SIG) Student Research Award recognizes a student for their achievements and contribution to environmental toxicologic pathology via research presented at the STP Annual Symposium. The contribution should enhance the ETP-SIG’s mission which is to support the advancement of scientific investigation into the health effects of environmental stressors that may impact humans or animals.

Undergraduate, veterinary, and graduate students, as well as residents and postdoctoral fellows may apply. The award recipient will receive The Fundamental of Toxicologic Pathology 3rd Edition and will be recognized at an upcoming ETP-SIG meeting. Thank you to Elsevier for donating the prize book.

To apply, in addition to submitting a first author poster abstract online for the STP Annual Symposium, please submit the following documents:

  • Letter of recommendation from mentor/advisor including student’s role in the work
  • Statement of career goals
  • Current curriculum vitae

The successful candidate will be expected to attend the virtual STP Annual Symposium to present the poster.

STP ETP-SIG Student Research Award Application

STP Modular Course Student Travel Grant Procedures

Application Deadline: August 15

The Society of Toxicologic Pathology (STP) is pleased to offer the STP Modular Course Student Travel Grant to eligible students and trainees with demonstrated interest in the field of toxicologic pathology. This scholarship is intended to cultivate those interests by exposing trainees to in-depth applicable knowledge in subspecialties of Toxicologic Pathology, while also facilitating interactions and networking opportunities for trainees interested in pursuing a career in Toxicologic Pathology. Applications are due August 15.

STP Modular Course Student Travel Grant Application

IATP/STP Charles Capen Trainee Award Procedures

Application Deadline November 1

The Charles Capen Trainee Award given by the International Academy of Toxicologic Pathology (IATP) and the Society of Toxicologic Pathology (STP) recognizes Dr. Charles Capen and his legacy as a researcher, teacher, and mentor to the pathology and toxicology communities spanning more than four decades.

The awardee will receive a $2,000 monetary award to further their training and education in the field of toxicologic pathology. In addition, complimentary STP student membership for the following year will be provided to qualified student awardees. To qualify for student membership, individuals must be enrolled full time or part time in a professional veterinary or medical training program, or a graduate degree, residency or postdoctoral training program. The awardee will be recognized during the Awards and Recognition Ceremony at the STP Annual Symposium. Applicants are required to submit a published (or accepted for publication) manuscript from a peer-reviewed journal consisting of original work involving clinical or experimental research that relates to toxicologic pathology.

Eligible trainees are individuals working on an academic degree, or in a training or residency program, in the field of experimental or toxicologic pathology or a related discipline (to include, but not limited to, veterinary students, pathology residents [veterinary or medical] and/or MS or PhD students). Candidates who have recently completed (within 12 months of the application deadline) their graduate studies are also eligible, but must have been enrolled in a program at the time the data were collected. Attendance at the STP Annual Symposium in the year the award is presented is required. The Charles Capen Award is based on a published first-author manuscript within the past year or a currently accepted manuscript in the field of toxicological pathology, as well as on a letter of recommendation, personal statement, and CV. Please see specific instructions below on how to apply.

IATP was established in 1999. Its purpose is to recognize and accredit toxicologic pathologists whose work affects the public welfare throughout the world. Fellows of IATP are scientists who have achieved expert status in the practice of toxicologic pathology through scientific leadership and innovation which benefits society and their profession. Accreditation in IATP is based on formal training in pathology, demonstrated achievement, proven ability, continuing practice and expertise. Agencies, universities and other organizations regularly seek out IATP Fellows to serve as guest lecturers, panel experts, and consultants. For more information on IATP please visit the IATP website.

IATP/STP Charles Capen Trainee Award Application
IATP/STP Charles Capen Trainee Award for Best Manuscript Judging Criteria

STP/CTPVSS Student Award Procedures

Application Deadline: December 30

The STP/CTPVSS Student Award was created to encourage students interested in research and/or careers in the field of Toxicologic Pathology. The recipient will receive $500 from the CTPVSS, and a free STP Annual Meeting registration, free student membership to STP for one year, and $1,500 from STP to be used towards lodging and travel to the STP Annual Symposium, which will be held in June each year.

To be eligible to compete for this award, applicants must be individuals who are currently enrolled in a program leading to a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree (DVM, VMD), MS, PhD, or be in a residency or other postdoctoral program in pathology or toxicology, or completed training in the year preceding the SOT meeting. Trainees in clinical and/or anatomic pathology are encouraged to apply for the award.

Applicants must be members of CTPVSS and preference will be given to applicants having long-term association with CTPVSS.

Applicants must be the first author of an SOT-accepted abstract concerning research in toxicology, pathology or a related field that presents work illustrating the integrated application of pathology (morphologic, or clinical pathology) endpoints with other scientific approaches, e.g. biomarkers, molecular or systems biology, imaging, or in vitro-in vivo correlations, to enhance the understanding of whole animal or tissue toxicologic responses. The abstract may be for either a poster or platform presentation at SOT, but a poster must be prepared by the awardee for the STP meeting.

Applicants must also submit the following: [a] a copy of their abstract (the candidate must be the first author and the presenting author), [b] a letter (maximum one page) describing their research project and professional goals, [c] a letter of sponsorship from an academic advisor who is a member of SOT or STP, and [d] a CV.

The selection for the award will be determined by a combined panel of independent SOT and STP judges and will be based on the scientific merit of the abstract, the applicant’s commitment to toxicologic pathology, CV, and recommendation.

The recipient of the STP/CTPVSS Student Award will be announced at the CTPVSS Luncheon during the SOT Annual Meeting, and will be acknowledged at the STP Annual Symposium, with the monetary award presented at or immediately following the STP Annual Symposium. Awardees are expected to present their work at the CTPVSS virtual meeting.

See the SOT CTPVSS website for more information.

STP/ACVP Student Poster Award Procedures

Abstract Deadline: July 1 and August 26

Award Recipient Attends
STP Annual Symposium
Abstract Submission Deadline
(Through ACVP Website)
Poster Presentation and Judging
at ACVP/ASVCP Meeting
June 22–25, 2025
Chicago, Illinois
Resident Abstracts: July 1, 2024
Veterinary Student Abstracts: August 26, 2024
November 16–19, 2024
Seattle, Washington

The Society of Toxicologic Pathology (STP) Student Poster Award was created to encourage students to pursue careers in the field of Toxicologic Pathology. The recipient will receive free registration plus $1,000 to be used for lodging and travel to the next STP Annual Symposium.

To be eligible to compete for this award, students must either be enrolled full-time in a professional veterinary program or in a residency or graduate program in toxicologic pathology/general pathology/clinical pathology or a related discipline. The abstract must describe original work of the competitor involving clinical or experimental research that relates to toxicologic pathology. The content may include in vitro or in vivo studies. The award selection will be determined by an independent panel of judges and will be based on the scientific content, relevance to the field of toxicologic pathology, composition of the poster, clarity, and the presenter’s ability to answer questions. Trainees in clinical and/or morphologic pathology are encouraged to apply for the award.

The recipient of the STP Student Poster Award will be announced and acknowledged at the ACVP/ASVCP Annual Meeting.

  •  11190 Sunrise Valley Drive,
    Suite 300, Reston, VA 20191